Vault Basic Debug

HashiCorp Vault is a good off-the-shelf solution for secrets management and data protection.

At its core, its about setting some rules encoded in policies and getting a token that adheres to those rules.

At times, it could turn out a black box when things don’t work as expected.

Below workflow should help debug the problem and fix it with bare vault infrastructure in simple steps:

  • vault policy write my-policy my-policy.hcl
  • vault policy read my-policy
  • vault token create -policy=my-policy
  • vault login
  • Make changes in the policy my-policy
  • Repeat from start until you get the right policy
  • You might have to login using root_token so keep it handy somwhere
    • vault login

As vault is about setting right policies as desired for the use-case in hand, we will always have a policy which we are investigating for the missing or undesired rules.

My Usecase

There is a approle, say, secret-service which we want to allow make policies for another service and read them

We are able to create policies but not able to read them :(

So, we need a policy for secret-service which allows access to creating/updating policies.

Secret Service policy

# Filename: secret-service-policy.hcl

# Manage auth methods broadly across Vault
path "auth/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# Create and manage ACL policies via CLI
path "sys/policy/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

Root Login might be needed

vault login <ROOT-TOKEN>

Create Secret Service Policy

vault policy write secret-service secret-service-policy.hcl

Read Secret Service Policy

vault policy read secret-service

Create Token using secret-service policy

vault token create -policy=secret-service

Login using the token as adhered for secret-service policy


TRY Creating a policy

# Filename: another-service-policy.hcl

# Manage auth methods broadly across Vault
path "auth/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# Create and manage ACL policies via CLI
path "sys/policy/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "update", "delete", "sudo"]
vault policy write another-service another-service-policy.hcl
  • Above should create the another-service policy sucessfully as it has create|update capabilities on sys/policy path

Experiment to fix the failing policy read command

  • Try reading the policy, it should fail
## Fails as no *read* capability yet
vault policy read another-service
  • Add read capability on sys/policy path in secret-service-policy.hcl
# Filename: another-service-policy.hcl

# Manage auth methods broadly across Vault
path "auth/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "sudo"]

# Create and manage ACL policies via CLI
## Note the change from above of addition of *read*
path "sys/policy/*"
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "sudo"]
vault policy write another-service another-service-policy.hcl
## Succeeds as *read* capability added now
vault policy read another-service

Back to Usecase

Problem to debug

Approle secret-service not able to read policy.

Create App Role link

vault write auth/approle/role/secret-service policies="secret-service"

Get Role Id and Secret Id link

vault read auth/approle/role/secret-service/role-id
vault write -f auth/approle/role/secret-service/secret-id

Login and get token

vault write auth/approle/login role_id="675a50e7-cfe0-be76-e35f-49ec009731ea" \

The token returned here was not able to read policy as intended and above workflow helped fix it. Above debug workflow helped fixed it, we simulated the token in debug workflow as vault token create -policy=secret-service whereas here it comes as part of secret-service approle login

Written on January 4, 2019